Phases of mutual redeployment agreed during fifth RCC meeting between parties

15 Jul 2019

Phases of mutual redeployment agreed during fifth RCC meeting between parties

The Members of the Redeployment Coordination Committee (RCC) held their fifth joint session yesterday and today on board the vessel of the United Nations Mission to Support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA) on the high seas off Hudaydah.

Meeting face-to-face for the first time since February 2019, the Redeployment Coordination Committee members took stock of their earlier agreements on the redeployment of forces as envisaged in the Hudaydah Agreement.

After a recent uptick in ceasefire violations in Hudaydah city and governorate, the parties were keen on finding ways to de-escalate tensions. They agreed on a mechanism and new measures to reinforce the ceasefire and de-escalation, to be put in place as soon as possible with support from the UN Mission.

The RCC members finalized agreements on concepts of operations for Phases I and II of the mutual redeployment. Thus, the Redeployment Coordination Committee has finalized its technical work and awaits decision of the respective political leaderships to proceed with the implementation. Agreement on local security forces, local authority and revenues remains outstanding, to be addressed at the political level.