UNMHA Implements Quick Impact Project (QIP) in Hays and Khawkhah

UNMHA delivers first-ever Quick Impact Project (QIP)
14 Dec 2023

UNMHA Implements Quick Impact Project (QIP) in Hays and Khawkhah

The UN Mission to support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA) is working to fulfill its responsibilities mandated by Security Council Resolution 2534 (2020). The Mission is undertaking community-led efforts to contribute towards peace and security.  

For its first-ever implementation of Quick Impact Projects (QIPs), the Mission worked with local authorities in Hays and Khawkhah to furnish three schools - the 7 July School for girls and the Al Nahdah School for boys in Hays, as well as the 22 May School for girls in Khawkhah. The aim is to improve the learning environment for a total of 5,073 children, who will benefit from 394 new desks and chairs provided to their schools. This will encourage children to continue their education and make a positive impact on their broader communities.  

The handover ceremony on 13 December 2023 was a celebrated event with key local leaders and authorities in attendance. These included Mr. Ibrahim Ajash, the Education Director for the Hudaydah Governorate, Ms. Fathia Al Mamary, the Director of Human Rights for the Hudaydah Governorate, Mr. Mutaher Al Qadhi, the District Director for Hays, Mr. Salem Alian, the District Director for Khawkhah, and leading figures in the regional education sector. Brigadier General Najeeb Warak, a representative of the Redeployment Coordination Committee (RCC), and UNMHA staff were also present.  

The schools’ staff received the new furniture and expressed their heartfelt appreciation on behalf of the students.  

Following this successful QIP implementation, UNMHA plans to continue supporting community-led peace-building projects throughout the Hudaydah Governorate in collaboration with the local communities and authorities through its Civil Affairs Team.